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Category: Design and Décor

How Green Cities Can Transform India’s Future?

“The environment is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest, it is the one thing all of us share.” – Lady Bird Johnson Just think about a place, as loopy as this may sound. A place with leafy lanes, air as clean as fresh mountain...

Transform Your Home: Latest Interior Design Trends for 2024

Looking to give your home a fresh new vibe? The interior design trends for 2024 have some cool ideas to help you jazz up your living space. This year’s trends are all about mixing bold styles with practical innovations, perfect for creating a stylish and cozy home. Come along...

Warm Blessings: Housewarming Gift Ideas for Indian Homes

Moving into a new home starts a journey filled with hopes, memories, and aspirations. In India, the tradition of housewarming ceremonies, called Griha Pravesh, holds great cultural significance as it symbolizes auspicious beginnings and blessings for the new home. Attending such celebrations presents an opportunity to not only congratulate...

Pastel Power Surge: Setting Home Decor Ablaze in Soft Hues

Choosing the right colours is an art when it comes to creating an atmosphere of comfort and charm in your home. Long thought to be boring compared to vivid hues, pastel tones have started making their presence felt in home décor. Delicate colours have become a hot topic among...

Balcony Bliss: 15 Ways to Decorate Your Outdoor Comfort

Are you ready to turn your balcony into a stunning masterpiece that reflects your unique style and personality? It’s time to unleash your creativity and let your imagination run! Whether you have a small city terrace or a spacious balcony overlooking breathtaking views, our 15 balcony decorating ideas will...

Celebrate Diwali 2023 with Rangolis, Real Estate, and Gold

In India, festivals are more than just traditions and celebrations; they are infused with culture and social values. All across the country, people celebrate hundreds of festivals, big and small, with new clothes, sweet treats and, of course, the company of their loved ones. Diwali is one of the...

7 Indoor Plants For the Best Green Décor in Indian Homes

‍As the world rapidly urbanizes into a concrete jungle, the craving for a touch of nature within our homes becomes increasingly prevalent. Plants enhance the aesthetic appeal of real estate properties and have numerous health benefits. Choosing the right indoor plants can be challenging for those living in India,...